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What is a Landing Page?

What is a Landing Page?

Landing page is a term used by the communication and development team to refer to the page that will “receive” users.

This landing page can be a specific page of a website, or it can even be a unique and exclusively a website.

There are several brands that start their digital journey by creating a landing page for their brand and then evolve into a more complete website with other features.

Obviously this cannot apply to all companies that are starting out. For example, an online store will hardly consist of only 1 page. But a service such as psychology or advocacy, for example, can start with a landing page where it refers to the services it offers and shares contacts in order to attract customers.

Example: https://tinyurl.com/27rvt8tn

And does it make sense to create landing pages when there is already a website created? Sometimes yes. If the brand already has a lot of expression and online traffic, it may make sense to create an extra page or two in order to analyze their conversion. In these cases, we call it an A/B test, where we send traffic to landing page A and landing page B and see which performs better.

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